We have set up a Paypal account for the church so that anyone that wishes to use that method for tithes and offerings can do so. You can select the Donate button above, Paypal account or App. on your mobile device
The Donate button does not require an account, however, if you choose either of the other options an account is required.
When you send money through the App or account there are a couple options ,one is the Friends and Family option that you must specifically select during the process. In order to use this you must link your bank account to Paypal and utilize a bank transfer. You can utilize a Debit or Credit card and in these cases the Church will pay a 3% +/- transaction fee for each transaction.
I understand that none of us likes to pay FEES, but, in this case the fees are payment for services provided. Remember, there are people like you and I on the other end. These fees pay their salaries and put food on their tables and support their families.
You can make that choice for yourself or you can add a tiny bit to help with the fees.